Source code for rasterpy.raster

from __future__ import division

import os
import sys

import numpy as np
from osgeo import (gdal, gdal_array, osr)
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly

# python 3.6 comparability
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    srange = xrange
    srange = range

[docs]class Raster: """ Import a binary file of ENVI or PolSARpro or a tif to a raster object. Parameters ---------- filename : str or tuple, optional Filename as a string or a tuple with filenames of the raster data. path : str, optional Path to raster data. If path is None the path will set to current directory with os.getwd(). extension : str, optional If you want to import all files in a directory with a specific extension, set filename to None and define an extension like '.tiff' or '.bin'. check_dim : bool If True the imported files must have the same dimensions. Attributes ---------- raster : osgeo.gdal.Dataset Contains the gdal data set for the raster files. cols, rows : int or tuple Columns and row size of the imported raster files. band : int or tuple Number of bands in each raster file. dim : list or tuple Information about the dimension. It contains [rows, cols, bands]. dtype : str or tuple Gdal data types. projection : str or tuple Information about the projection of each raster file. xmin, ymin : int or tuple Origen of x and y pixel. xres, yres : int or tuple Resulution information in x and y axis. nodata : No data values. info : dict All information in a dictionary. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, path=None, extension=None, check_dim=True): self.filename = filename self.__TYPEMAP = {} for name in dir(np): obj = getattr(np, name) if hasattr(obj, 'dtype'): try: npn = obj(0) nat = np.asscalar(npn) if gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(npn.dtype.type): self.__TYPEMAP[] = gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(npn.dtype.type) except: pass driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('ENVI') driver.Register() if path is not None: os.chdir(path) gwd = os.getcwd() else: gwd = os.getcwd() if ((self.filename is None and extension is None) or (self.filename is not None and extension is not None)): raise AssertionError("You must define a filename OR a extension") elif self.filename is None and isinstance(extension, str) is False: raise AssertionError("Extension must be a str. For example '.bin'") else: if self.filename is None and extension is not None: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(gwd): filename_list = [] for file in files: if file.endswith(extension): filename_list.append(file) self.filename = tuple(filename_list) else: pass if not isinstance(self.filename, (str, tuple)): raise AttributeError("filename must be tuple or str instance.") if isinstance(self.filename, tuple): tuple_str_check = tuple([type(item) == str for item in self.filename]) tuple_str_check = np.all(np.all(tuple_str_check) == True) if not tuple_str_check: raise AttributeError("If filename is a tuple, the tuple items must be str instance") if isinstance(self.filename, tuple): inds = tuple(map(lambda x: gdal.Open(x, GA_ReadOnly), self.filename)) self.raster = inds for i in srange(len(inds)): if inds[i] is None: raise IOError( "Couldn't open file {0}. Perhaps you need an .hdr file?".format(str(self.filename[i]))) else: pass self.cols = tuple(map(lambda items: items.RasterXSize, inds)) self.rows = tuple(map(lambda items: items.RasterYSize, inds)) if check_dim: _col = self.cols[1:] == self.cols[:-1] _row = self.rows[1:] == self.rows[:-1] if _col is not True or _row is not True: raise AssertionError("Status: Input dimensions must agree", "shapes: cols = {0}, rows = {1}".format(self.cols, self.rows)) self.bands = tuple(map(lambda items: items.RasterCount, inds)) self.dim = [self.rows, self.cols, self.bands] self.driver = tuple(map(lambda items: items.GetDriver(), inds)) self.dtype = tuple(map(lambda items: gdal.GetDataTypeName(items.GetRasterBand(1).DataType), inds)) self.projection = tuple(map(lambda items: items.GetProjection(), inds)) self.srs = tuple(map(lambda items: osr.SpatialReference(wkt=items), self.projection)) self.geotransform = tuple(map(lambda items: items.GetGeoTransform(), inds)) self.xmin = tuple(map(lambda items: items[0], self.geotransform)) self.ymin = tuple(map(lambda items: items[3], self.geotransform)) self.xres = tuple(map(lambda items: items[1], self.geotransform)) self.yres = tuple(map(lambda items: items[5], self.geotransform)) self.nodata = tuple(map(lambda items: items.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue(), inds)) self.nodata = list(self.nodata) for i in srange(len(self.nodata)): if self.nodata[i] is None: self.nodata[i] = -99999 self.nodata = tuple(self.nodata) = {'bands': self.bands, 'dim': self.bands, 'dtype': self.dtype, 'projection': self.projection, 'geotrandform': self.geotransform, 'xmin': self.xmin, 'ymin': self.ymin, 'xres': self.xres, 'yres': self.yres, 'nodata': self.nodata} else: inds = gdal.Open(self.filename, GA_ReadOnly) self.raster = inds if inds is None: raise IOError( "Couldn't open file {0}. Perhaps you need an .hdr file?".format(str(self.filename))) else: pass self.cols = inds.RasterXSize self.rows = inds.RasterYSize self.bands = inds.RasterCount self.dim = [self.rows, self.cols, self.bands] self.driver = inds.GetDriver() self.dtype = gdal.GetDataTypeName(inds.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) self.projection = inds.GetProjection() # self.srs = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=inds) self.geotransform = inds.GetGeoTransform() self.xmin = self.geotransform[0] self.ymin = self.geotransform[3] self.xres = self.geotransform[1] self.yres = self.geotransform[5] self.nodata = inds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() if self.nodata is None: self.nodata = -99999 = {'bands': self.bands, 'dim': self.bands, 'dtype': self.dtype, 'projection': self.projection, 'geotrandform': self.geotransform, 'xmin': self.xmin, 'ymin': self.ymin, 'xres': self.xres, 'yres': self.yres, 'nodata': self.nodata} def __subset(self, x, y): """ Note ---------- Subsetting an Image with coordinates. Parameters ---------- data: array Data to subset. area: tuple with lists Subset coordinates like ([450,477], [0,10]). Returns ------- array_like """ try: self.array except AttributeError: raise AssertionError("Before you can subset a file you must convert it to an array with Raster.to_array().") if x[0] >= x[1] or y[0] >= y[1]: raise AssertionError("The second element of subset_x or subset_y must greater than the first element") # Subsetting an Image with a if isinstance(self.array, tuple): arrays = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): arrays_subset = self.array[i][y[0]:y[1], x[0]:x[1]] arrays.append(arrays_subset) data = tuple(arrays) else: data = self.array[y[0]:y[1], x[0]:x[1]] return data
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy the imported array. Returns ------- copy : array_like or tuple A copy of Raster.array attribute. """ try: self.array except AttributeError: raise AssertionError( "Before you can copy a array you must convert the raster files to an array with Raster.to_array().") return self.array
[docs] def to_array(self, band=None, flatten=True, quantification_factor=1): """ Converts a binary file of ENVI or PolSARpro or a tif to a numpy array. Parameters ---------- band : int, tuple or None, optional: Define bands which you want to import. If None (default) import all bands in a multidimensional array. You can also specify bands in a tuple. E.g. band=(1, 3) will load the first and third band of the image. flatten : bool if flatten is True the output array is one dimensional. You can convert it to an 2 dimensional array with Raster.reshape quantification_factor : int, optional A quantification factor that scales the reflectance values from 0 to 1. It is only required if the imported raster files are reflectance values. For sentinel 2 the factor is 10000. Default is 1, which have no effect. Attributes ---------- array : array_like or tuple with array_likes Raster files as arrays. """ if isinstance(self.raster, tuple): images = [] for i in srange(len(self.raster)): if band is not None: if isinstance(band, list): band = tuple(band) nband = len(band) elif isinstance(band, int): nband = 1 else: nband = len(band) else: nband = self.bands[i] band = range(self.bands[i]) band = [x + 1 for x in band] image = np.zeros((nband, self.rows[i], self.cols[i]), dtype=gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(self.dtype[i])) if isinstance(band, int): band_ = self.raster[i].GetRasterBand(band) image[0] = band_.ReadAsArray() else: band_select_list = [] for b in band: # Remember, GDAL index is on 1, but Python is on 0 -- so we add 1 for our GDAL calls band_ = self.raster[i].GetRasterBand(b) band_select_list.append(band_) for j in srange(nband): # Read in the band's data into the third dimension of our array image[j] = band_select_list[j].ReadAsArray() if quantification_factor > 1: image = image.astype(np.float32) / quantification_factor else: pass if flatten: array = image image = np.zeros((nband, array[0].size,), dtype=gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(self.dtype)) if isinstance(band, int): image[0] = array.flatten() image = image.flatten() if nband == 1 else image else: for b in srange(nband): image[b] = array[b].flatten() image = image.flatten() if nband == 1 else image image[np.isnan(image)] = self.nodata[i] images.append(image) self.array = tuple(images) else: if band is not None: if isinstance(band, list): band = tuple(band) nband = len(band) elif isinstance(band, int): band = band nband = 1 else: nband = len(band) else: nband = self.bands band = range(self.bands) band = [x + 1 for x in band] image = np.zeros((nband, self.rows, self.cols), dtype=gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(self.dtype)) if isinstance(band, int): band_ = self.raster.GetRasterBand(band) image[0] = band_.ReadAsArray() else: band_select_list = [] for b in band: # Remember, GDAL index is on 1, but Python is on 0 -- so we add 1 for our GDAL calls band_ = self.raster.GetRasterBand(b) band_select_list.append(band_) for j in srange(nband): # Read in the band's data into the third dimension of our array image[j] = band_select_list[j].ReadAsArray() if quantification_factor > 1: self.array = image.astype(np.float32) / quantification_factor else: self.array = image if flatten: image = np.zeros((nband, self.array[0].size,), dtype=gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(self.dtype)) if isinstance(band, int): image[0] = self.array.flatten() else: for b in srange(nband): image[b] = self.array[b].flatten() self.array = image.flatten() if nband == 1 else image
[docs] def reshape(self): """ Reshape loaded arrays to their original dimension. """ try: self.array except AttributeError: raise AssertionError( "Before you can reshape a file you must convert it to an array with Raster.to_array().") if isinstance(self.raster, tuple): if self.array[0].ndim == 1: array = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = self.array[i].reshape((self.rows[i], self.cols[i])) array.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array) else: array = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = self.array[i].reshape((self.array[i].shape[0], self.rows[i], self.cols[i])) array.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array) else: if self.array.ndim == 1: self.array = self.array.reshape((self.rows, self.cols)) else: self.array = self.array.reshape((self.array.shape[0], self.rows, self.cols))
[docs] def flatten(self): """ Collapse the loaded arrays into one dimension. Returns ------- None """ try: self.array except AttributeError: raise AssertionError( "Before you can flatten a file you must convert it to an array with Raster.to_array().") if isinstance(self.raster, tuple): if self.array[0].ndim == 1: array = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = self.array[i].flatten() array.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array) else: images = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): image = np.zeros((self.bands[i], self.array[i][0].size,), dtype=gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(self.dtype[i])) for b in srange(self.bands[i]): image[b] = self.array[i][b].flatten() images.append(image) self.array = tuple(images) else: if self.array.ndim == 1: self.array = self.array.flatten() else: image = np.zeros((self.bands, self.array[0].size,), dtype=gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(self.dtype)) for b in srange(self.bands): image[b] = self.array[b].flatten() self.array = image
[docs] def set_nodata(self, nodata): """ Set and assign a new no data value. Parameters ---------- nodata : int, float or np.nan New no data value. A tuple with in, float or np.nan is also possible if you imported more than one file. Returns ------- None """ try: self.array except AttributeError: raise AssertionError( "Before you can assign a new no data value must convert the data to an array with Raster.to_array().") if isinstance(self.raster, tuple): nodata_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): nodata_list.append(nodata) self.nodata = tuple(nodata_list) for i in srange(len(self.array)): self.array[i][np.isnan(self.array[i])] = self.nodata[i] self.array[i][np.where(self.array[0] == 0)] = self.nodata[i] else: self.nodata = nodata self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata self.array[np.where(self.array[0] == 0)] = self.nodata
[docs] def write(self, data, filename, path=None, reference=0): """ Convert an array into a binary (.bin) file with header (.hdr) or a Tif file. Parameters ---------- data : array_like or tuple Arrays you want to export. filename : str or tuple File names of the exported arrays. Supported file extension are '.tif' or '.bin' path : str, optional Export path. If path is None the path will set to current directory with os.getwd(). reference : If the Raster import contains several grids, you can specify which of these grids you want to use as reference for geo-spatial information (default=0). Returns ------- Grid as .tif or .bin """ if path is not None: os.chdir(path) else: pass if isinstance(data, tuple): if not isinstance(filename, tuple) or len(filename) != len(data): raise AssertionError( "If you want to export all arrays you need as much as filnames in a tuple as arrays.") for i in srange(len(data)): data_ = data[i] if data_.ndim <= 1: raise AssertionError("Only 2 dimensional array can be converted into a .tiff file.") if data_.ndim == 2: rows, cols = data_.shape ndim = 1 else: ndim, rows, cols = data_.shape gdal_dtype = self.__TYPEMAP[] origin_x = self.xmin[reference] if isinstance(self.xmin, tuple) else self.xmin origin_y = self.ymin[reference] if isinstance(self.ymin, tuple) else self.ymin filename_temp = filename[i].split('.') if filename_temp[-1] == 'tif' or filename_temp[-1] == 'tiff': outdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") elif filename_temp[-1] == 'bin': outdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('ENVI') else: raise AssertionError( "File extension must be `tif`, `tiff` or `bin`. The actual extension is {0}".format( str(filename_temp[-1]))) outds = outdriver.Create(filename[i], cols, rows, ndim, gdal_dtype) for j in srange(ndim): post_1 = self.xres[reference] if isinstance(self.xres, tuple) else self.xres post_2 = self.yres[reference] if isinstance(self.yres, tuple) else self.yres outds.SetGeoTransform([origin_x, post_1, 0.0, origin_y, 0.0, post_2]) outds.SetProjection( self.projection[reference] if isinstance(self.projection, tuple) else self.projection) out_band = outds.GetRasterBand(j + 1) if data_.ndim > 2: out_band.WriteArray(data_[j]) else: out_band.WriteArray(data_) out_band.SetNoDataValue(self.nodata[reference] if isinstance(self.nodata, tuple) else self.nodata) else: filename_temp = filename.split('.') if filename_temp[-1] == 'tif' or filename_temp[-1] == 'tiff': outdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") elif filename_temp[-1] == 'bin': outdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('ENVI') else: raise AssertionError( "File extension must be `tif` or `bin`. The actual extension is {0}".format(str(filename_temp[-1]))) if data.ndim <= 1: raise AssertionError("Only 2 dimensional array can be converted into a .tiff file.") # if export != 'all': if data.ndim == 2: rows, cols = data.shape ndim = 1 else: ndim, rows, cols = data.shape gdal_dtype = self.__TYPEMAP[] origin_x = self.xmin[reference] if isinstance(self.xmin, tuple) else self.xmin origin_y = self.ymin[reference] if isinstance(self.ymin, tuple) else self.ymin outds = outdriver.Create(filename, cols, rows, ndim, gdal_dtype) for i in srange(ndim): post_1 = self.xres[reference] if isinstance(self.xres, tuple) else self.xres post_2 = self.yres[reference] if isinstance(self.yres, tuple) else self.yres outds.SetGeoTransform([origin_x, post_1, 0.0, origin_y, 0.0, post_2]) outds.SetProjection( self.projection[reference] if isinstance(self.projection, tuple) else self.projection) out_band = outds.GetRasterBand(i + 1) if data.ndim > 2: out_band.WriteArray(data[i]) else: out_band.WriteArray(data) out_band.SetNoDataValue(self.nodata[reference] if isinstance(self.nodata, tuple) else self.nodata)
[docs] @staticmethod def dB(x): """ Convert a linear value to dB. """ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): return 10 * np.log10(x)
[docs] @staticmethod def linear(x): """ Convert a dB value in linear. """ return 10 ** (x / 10)
[docs] @staticmethod def BRDF(BSC, iza, vza, angle_unit='RAD'): """ Convert a Radar Backscatter Coefficient (BSC) into a BRDF. Parameters ---------- BSC : int, float or array_like Radar Backscatter Coefficient (sigma 0). iza : int, float or array_like Sun or incidence zenith angle. vza : int, float or array_like View or scattering zenith angle. angle_unit : {'DEG', 'RAD'} (default = 'RAD'), optional * 'DEG': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [DEG]. * 'RAD': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [RAD]. Returns ------- BRDF value : int, float or array_like """ if angle_unit == 'RAD': return BSC / (np.cos(iza) * np.cos(vza) * (4 * np.pi)) elif angle_unit == 'DEG': return BSC / (np.cos(np.radians(iza)) * np.cos(np.radians(vza)) * (4 * np.pi)) else: raise ValueError("angle_unit must be 'RAD' or 'DEG'")
[docs] @staticmethod def BRF(BRDF): """ Convert a BRDF into a BRF. Parameters ---------- BRDF : int, float or array_like BRDF value. Returns ------- BRF value : int, float or array_like """ return np.pi * BRDF
[docs] @staticmethod def BSC(BRDF, iza, vza, angle_unit='RAD'): """ Convert a BRDF in to a Radar Backscatter Coefficient (BSC). Parameters ---------- BSC : int, float or array_like Radar Backscatter Coefficient (sigma 0). iza : int, float or array_like Sun or incidence zenith angle. vza : int, float or array_like View or scattering zenith angle. angle_unit : {'DEG', 'RAD'} (default = 'RAD'), optional * 'DEG': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [DEG]. * 'RAD': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [RAD]. Returns ------- BRDF value : int, float or array_like """ if angle_unit == 'RAD': return BRDF * np.cos(iza) * np.cos(vza) * 4 * np.pi elif angle_unit == 'DEG': return BRDF * np.cos(np.radians(iza)) * np.cos(np.radians(vza)) * (4 * np.pi) else: raise ValueError("angle_unit must be 'RAD' or 'DEG'")
[docs] def convert(self, system='BSC', to='BRDF', system_unit='linear', output_unit='linear', iza=None, vza=None, angle_unit='RAD'): """ Convert the data from BSC, BRDF, BRF to BRDF, BSC or BRF. Parameters ---------- system : {'BSC', 'BRDF', 'BRF'} The actual unit of the data. Default is 'BSC'. to : {'BSC', 'BRDF', 'BRF'} The desired unit after conversion. Default is 'BRDF' system_unit : {'linear', 'dB'}, optional Are the measurements in a linear scale or in decibel? Default is 'linear'. output_unit : {'linear', 'dB'}, optional The desired output format. Default is 'linear'. iza : int, float, array_like or None, , optional Sun or incidence zenith angle. Default is None. vza : int, float, array_like or None, optional View or scattering zenith angle. angle_unit : {'DEG', 'RAD'}, optional * 'DEG': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [DEG] (default). * 'RAD': All input angles (iza, vza, raa) are in [RAD]. Returns ------- None """ try: self.array except AttributeError: raise AssertionError( "Before you can convert you must convert the data to an array with Raster.to_array().") if isinstance(self.raster, tuple): if system is 'BSC': if to is 'BRDF': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BRDF(self.array[i], iza, vza, angle_unit) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BRDF(self.array[i], iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BRDF(temp, iza, vza, angle_unit) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BRDF(temp, iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif to is 'BRF': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BRDF(self.array[i], iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.BRF(temp) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BRDF(self.array[i], iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.BRF(temp) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BRDF(temp, iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.BRF(temp) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BRDF(temp, iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.BRF(temp) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") if system is 'BRDF': if to is 'BSC': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BSC(self.array[i], iza, vza, angle_unit) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BSC(self.array[i], iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BSC(temp, iza, vza, angle_unit) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BSC(temp, iza, vza, angle_unit) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif to is 'BRF': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BRF(self.array[i]) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.BRF(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BRF(temp) array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) elif output_unit is 'dB': array_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.array)): temp = Raster.linear(self.array[i]) temp = Raster.BRF(temp) temp = Raster.dB(temp) temp[np.isnan(temp)] = self.nodata array_list.append(temp) self.array = tuple(array_list) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: if system is 'BSC': if to is 'BRDF': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif to is 'BRF': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BRDF(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") if system is 'BRDF': if to is 'BSC': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif to is 'BRF': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = Raster.BRF(self.array) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") if system is 'BRF': if to is 'BSC': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = self.array / np.pi self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = self.array / np.pi self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = self.array / np.pi self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = self.array / np.pi self.array = Raster.BSC(self.array, iza, vza, angle_unit) self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif to is 'BRDF': if system_unit is 'linear': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = self.array / np.pi elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = self.array / np.pi self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") elif system_unit is 'dB': if output_unit is 'linear': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = self.array / np.pi elif output_unit is 'dB': self.array = Raster.linear(self.array) self.array = self.array / np.pi self.array = Raster.dB(self.array) self.array[np.isnan(self.array)] = self.nodata else: raise AssertionError("Output unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'") else: raise AssertionError("System unit must be 'linear' or 'dB'")
[docs] def dstack(self, unfold=False): """ Stack 1-D arrays as columns into a 2-D array. Take a sequence of 1-D arrays and stack them as columns to make a single 2-D array. 2-D arrays are stacked as-is, just like with numpy.hstack. 1-D arrays are turned into 2-D columns first. Parameters ---------- unfold : bool, optional If the arrays are multi dimensional this option extracts the individual dimension and stack it to an array. Default is False. Attributes ---------- stack : array_like Stacked array. """ try: self.array except AttributeError: raise AssertionError( "Before you can convert you must convert the data to an array with Raster.to_array().") if unfold is False: if not isinstance(self.raster, tuple): raise AssertionError("You need more than one array to build a stack.") self.stack = np.column_stack(self.array) else: if not isinstance(self.raster, tuple): if self.bands < 2: raise AssertionError("You need more than one dimension to build a folded stack.") elif self.array.ndim >= 3: self.flatten() else: array_list = [] for i in srange(self.bands): array_list.append(self.array[i]) array = tuple(array_list) self.stack = np.column_stack(array) else: band_list = [] for i in srange(len(self.bands)): if self.bands[i] < 2: raise AssertionError("You need more than one dimension to build a folded stack.") elif self.array[i].ndim >= 3: self.flatten() else: array_list = [] for j in srange(self.bands[i]): array_list.append(self.array[i][j]) array_stack = np.column_stack(tuple(array_list)) band_list.append(array_stack) self.stack = tuple(band_list)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Delete the attributes Raster.array and Raster.stack """ try: del self.array except AttributeError: pass try: del self.stack except AttributeError: pass